So this past week was kind of nuts. It went by so fast
and we are already in week two of the transfer!
Well, right now I am in Encarnacion. It is right across the border
and the river from Posadas, Argentina. Last night at 11:30 we left Ciudad del
Este. We have our leadership meeting here tomorrow. It is like 6 hours in bus
and they are Paraguayan buses so let´s just say that it wasn’t the best night
of my life. haha.
Last Monday we had a lesson with the referral of a member
family. It went super well! If they feel like it is true they said they will get
baptized! They are Adrian and Elisa.
This week we had a ton of lessons and almost all of them
with a member present, so it was great! Our investigators, Carolina and
Sebastian, have a baptismal date for the 9th of April. They have to get
married first and Sebastian doesn’t have his correct paper work, so this is
gonna be a rough one. But God is going to help! They really want to be
Clotilde is great. She is progressing and reading her Book
of Mormon! We have a ful (a lot) of
people progressing right now. It is incredible to see and the spirit has been
so strong. Like in every lesson the spirit is there super strong.
From the past two worldwide capacitaciones [training] for
missionaries we have started to implement a lot of new things. We are really
focused on testifying and teaching repentance, and a whole lot of other things
that have been making a big difference!
With Enrique, he is a recent convert, we talked about the
obra misional [missionary work] and when we gave him his own copy of Preach My Gospel he started to cry. It
was really special. He was so touched and is so ready to serve the Lord!
Joanne March is a lady from South Africa. She is a member.
She doesn’t speak any Spanish and speaks British English. We went over there
and shared a scripture but heck was that hard to do in English!!! Like the
prayers, the reading of the scriptures, testifying, it was all soo much harder
and super weird. haha.
We have so many people who want to give us lunch it is nuts!
Like everyone is fighting over us and giving us so many referrals! It is so
weird, like amazing, but so different from any of the other areas here!
Funny story: This week at lunch, with a wealthy member, she asked
if we wanted cookies. We were like, “sure.” So she opens this good sized cupboard
and it is jam-packed full of cookies! Like 200 different types of cookies! She
gave us each (us and the elders) like 6 packets!
Yesterday we had our choir! It went really well. And we had
144 people at church!!
My Guarani and Portuguese are getting better! But all the
missionaries say that my Mexican accent is turning into a Paraguayan one, which
is awful because it is not a very pretty accent, so I’m sad....
I’ll be here in Encarnación until tomorrow night, and then
head back to Ciudad del Este. Everything is going really well. I want you all
to know that I know that God lives, and I know the Jesus Christ is my Savior. I
know that this is his work and he is the head of this church!
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